Jumat, 18 Januari 2019



Email : franscy@panca-sakti.ac.id

The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness design in teaching and learning language. This research uses qualitative approach. The data type of this research is qualitative data that consist by collecting library data, reading, recording and processing library collection materials without need for field research. This research presents scientific reasoning arguments from the results of literature review and the results of the researchers' thinking about the problems in language teaching. The library materials are discussed critically and deeply in support of discussing the design of effectiveness in language teaching and learning. Research result shows that there are four important factors in education process that have an influence on the process of teaching and learning, these factors include curriculum factor, institution factor, teacher factor, teaching factor and students factor. From understanding and analysis the theory indicated that in the process of teaching and learning language as effectively category, not only focus on teacher and students factors, but also other factors have relevance and influence with each other, to achieve the learning purpose. Therefore, understanding the role and function of four factors are very important in the effectiveness design of language teaching and learning process. An understanding the creation from the design of effective teaching in teaching and learning language process is required in order to obtain synergie and perfect preparation of all the important factors above. So, the process of teaching and learning in our educational environment will achieve the expected goals.

Keywords:     effectiveness design, learning factors, teaching and learning language